An anonymous donor is willing to match donations from individuals $2-for-$1, up to $5,000, for any donations we receive by November 24, 2017. This means:
- Your $50 donation will be worth $150 to the Friends
- $100 is worth $300 to the Friends
…and so on. If you were thinking about donating, now is a great time to do it! Your donation to the Friends is fully tax-deductible.
Where does the money go?
Our administrative expenses are small; they basically cover our website and an administrative fee to SWNA for the significant work they do managing our finances and 501(c)(3) reporting. Also, our Friends Agreement with the Park Service requires us to keep administrative expenses small.
With a generous donation like this one, most of the donations we receive will go toward funding future projects, such as garden areas, lighting, trash cans, and tiles in the sunken areas. While we are not accepting gifts that are designated for specific projects now, having funds available for improvements to the Park will help us plan projects for 2018.
How do I donate?
Write a check to: SWNA
Memo on Check: Friends of Titanic Memorial Park (or FOTMP)
Mail it to:
SWNA Treasurer
PO Box 70131
Washington, DC 20024