It is Week 5 of our FriendsGiving: Give Today for Tomorrow donation drive. We're up to $4,700 toward our $7,500 donation goal! Can you help us raise $2,800 in the next week?
A generous donor has offered a 1-for-1 match, up to $500, in our final week. So if you give now, your donation will be doubled!
Visitor Counts - Activities
What is the best activity to do in the park? It depends on who you ask! Here is another quick highlight from our visitor count data:
The top three activities are walking, hanging out with your dog, and relaxing on the benches. On weekends, visitors have more time to engage in a variety of other activities.
*Note: all numbers are estimates based on actual visitor counts. We follow National Park Service guidelines for counting and estimating visits.
We are big believers in the adage "build it and they will come." Early on in our partnership with the National Park Service, NPS replaced all 52 benches in the park, and now the Friends maintain benches annually. Even before we started recording activities in the Park, we saw the increase in neighbors sitting on benches while they enjoyed the park.
NPS also replaced the tiles in the activity wells. As soon as the North activity well was completed, neighbors began to use the space for yoga and exercise, and now both activity wells see frequent exercise and child play.
Our long-term plans with NPS include big-ticket items like signs and restoring water service, so we can water new landscaping and maybe even restore the drinking fountain that was part of the original park. These projects will help us continue to restore and enhance the park to support all of the activities people enjoy while here. How do you enjoy the park?
Here is a reminder of how your donations are used:
Donating: | Will let us: |
$50 | Maintain one planter annually |
$150 | Purchase flowers for our annual wreath-laying at the Titanic Memorial |
$500 | Cover our annual fees for website hosting and accounting tools |
$1,000 | Purchase and install 2 - 3 large caliper trees |
$10,000 | Purchase and install one large sign for the Park |
Please donate today to support the Friends and Titanic Memorial Park!
Corinne Irwin, Chair
Friends of Titanic Memorial Park
Proud partner of the National Park Service