Autumn Update 2020

As we head into Autumn, the theme seems to be:  Hurry up and wait!  We do have progress to report...and, we are still figuring out our new normal due to COVID-19.  Thanks for bearing with us as we do our best to give you current, and accurate information.

In this e-blast:

Fall Work Party - Delayed for Now

National Park Service PosterWe had hoped to have a fall work party to paint benches; however, that activity is delayed at least through September.  The Park Service has extended their restriction on volunteer activities through September, and there is no guarantee at this point that October activities will be allowed.  We will let you know if and when COVID-19 restrictions ease enough to allow a volunteer activity, and organize an event when NPS agrees that we can safely conduct one.


Park Survey - Huge Response!

Thanks to the over 200 people who responded to the Park Survey in August!  This response rate is a powerful testament to how much we value Titanic Memorial Park.  The researchers at University of Pennsylvania are performing their analysis and will report final results of the survey and other aspects of the Cultural Landscape Inventory to the Park Service.  We will update you with results when we hear more.

Demonstration Garden in the Works

Titanic Gardens AreasThe Friends have been working with NPS on plans for a "Demonstration Garden" in the North area of the Park.  The garden will demonstrate the use of native shrubs and perennials to mimic the original form, structure, and color of the historic design, while adding habitat for pollinators and birds.  We've submitted a permit to install this garden in the Spring of 2021.  (Planting plans dependent on COVID-19 restrictions, of course.)

Want to learn more?  Will we have a Zoom meeting in the next few weeks to talk about the Demonstration Garden.  We will update you on the date and time as soon as we have it scheduled.

Enjoy the turning of the season, and keep safe!

