We hope you all had a wonderful weekend celebrating Independence Day. We have several updates for you this month:
Thank you, thank you! Volunteers Stacy Baker and Brian Niemiec cleaned up the park after local July 4th celebrations. We really appreciate the efforts of our volunteers to keep the park looking nice, even when it's not an official work party. We have a few other volunteer opportunities continuing this summer:
Visitor Counts
It only takes 15 minutes to count visitors, and we have shifts throughout the day on selected dates. We will have an in-person training session for new volunteers:
Saturday, July 17 at 9:00am - meet at the Titanic Memorial
Can't make the training? You can still help out! Go to the Visitor Count Resources page to read the Handbook and get forms. Then sign up for a shift on SignUp Genius. If you have any questions, send us an email at [email protected].
Titanic 110th Planning
We are making good progress planning for the Titanic 110th anniversary (taking place in April 2022.) We will have interpretive displays in the park, as well as a cocktail reception. If you haven't been involved yet, now is a great time to join the planning committee as we flesh out the details of this event.
Our next planning meeting for the Titanic 110th Anniversary will take place Monday, Aug 2 at 7:00pm.
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87345363627?pwd=aFJqU0FwQ2pRbXhlalgyOHk3azVVQT09
Meeting ID: 873 4536 3627, Passcode: 568830
You can also download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.
Monthly: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/tZMuc-yrqDgsGNOey-lztVLRF6IMI_Vu8AR1/ics?icsToken=98tyKuGvrT8vGdKWthuARpwEA4-gZ-nwpnZdjY1ymQaoDzpHVC_EELRrH5tAJs2I
Demonstration Garden Watering
Because our water source is at Harbour Square, this opportunity is restricted to Harbour Square Residents only. It takes 30 - 45 minutes to water the garden, including managing the hoses, and it helps to have a buddy for this task. Visit the Demonstration Garden Watering Resources page to read instructions and sign up.
Reminder: Board Applications due July 16
We are looking to expand our Board of Directors! We currently have 5 board members, and are looking to expand to 6 or 7 members at this time. Our ideal board member:
- Supports the National Park Service's vision that Titanic Memorial Park is an historic park worth preserving.
- Supports the Friends as a donor and/or volunteer
- Will attend monthly board meetings lasting 60 - 90 minutes
- Will commit to 5 hours of work per month, including board meetings
In addition, board members are expected to participate in 3-4 community events each year, ranging from work parties in Titanic Memorial Park to staffing tables on behalf of the Friends at other neighborhood events. Board members are also expected to work on 1-2 projects each year.
Our board meetings have been held over Zoom since pandemic restrictions were put in place in 2020. As restrictions are now lifting, we plan to hold hybrid meetings, where board members may join either in person or via zoom.
We are particularly looking for a candidate who has interest in helping with one or more of these areas:
- Event Planning
- Membership Management
- Historic Preservation
- Interpretation
- Graphic Design
If you are interested in serving on the Friends Board, please send us a brief resume outlining your skills, interests, and experience with non-profit boards to [email protected]. We will accept applications until July 16, and select additional board member(s) after we review applications and interview candidates.
We are working with the National Park Service to set up a bench painting work party as soon as we can. We will try to give two weeks notice of the event once scheduled. We'll let you know as soon as we have a firm date.
Corinne Irwin, Chair
Friends of Titanic Memorial Park