It's time for our Fall Work Party! We'll do our annual bench painting, plant bulbs, and tidy up the planters.
We'll also have a Visitor Count Training session for those who are interested!
Each participant must register individually for this event. Please invite others to sign up if they would like to join us. If you find you cannot make the event after signing up, please let us know as soon as possible.
What to bring the day of the project:
- Water and snack
- Closed toe shoes and appropriate clothing
- Sunscreen and other personal needs
If you want to help with the landscaping tasks, please bring these if you have them:
- Garden Gloves
- Trowels
- Clippers
All the other tools and equipment needed will be provided for you.
Everyone will need to be pre-registered using this web form, and sign a volunteer sheet at the project site.
Please share any photos or experiences on social media and use our hashtags! #NPSvolunteer #findyourpark #nationalparks #nationalmall.
Participant Requirements for Volunteer Events
Self-Monitoring: All participants in the Friends of Titanic Memorial Park event are required to:
- Take your own temperature that day, prior to arrival at the event. If your temperature is 100.4 degrees or greater, or you have other COVID-19 symptoms, do not come to the event!
- If you are sick, please do not come to the event!
- If you have experienced symptoms of COVID-19 within the last 5 days, do not come to the event.
- If you have had any close contact with an individual who has a confirmed coronavirus diagnosis and/or who is presumed to have coronavirus, do not come to the event.
- If you become ill within one week of participating in the event, please consider reporting this to [email protected]. We will keep your identity confidential.
- Bathrooms: Bathrooms are not available for this event.